Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
A technique in which a metal tool is used to break up soft tissue adhesions, reduce muscle tone and jump start the healing process. It can assist your care in restoring mobility and decreasing pain.
Dry Needling
This technique uses small filiform needles to penetrate the skin and treat underlying dysfunction. Dry needling is able to stimulate muscular trigger points, neural, muscular and connective tissues to improve movement and decrease pain. The penetration of the skin causes small micro trauma which jump starts the healing process right where you need it!
Manual Therapy
All our therapists are trained to be experts in manual therapy. This treatment can include manipulation/mobilization; a passive technique where the therapists can use varying degrees of force to inhibit pain, improve motion, and enhance muscle activation. Soft tissue mobilization can also be utilized. This is a technique where the therapist uses their hands to treat soft tissue restrictions in order restore fluid movement.
Human beings are visual creatures. Biofeedback is a way that we can use an external visual stimulus to allow you to change your body function. One of our favorite ways to do this is with various settings on Wii Fit. It can be great to allow you to improve postural control and balance as well as improve balance and muscular recruitment.
Movement Assessment
Our physical therapists are trained to be experts in movement assessment. We can tape record your movement strategies, analyze the video and assist in re-training healthy movement patterns. We can use real time taping analysis so you can make changes visually see the result instantly!
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
At North Pole Physical Therapy you have the ability to be evaluated for Pelvic Floor specific dysfunctions. This includes urinary incontinence, prolapse, pelvic pain or pain with intercourse, and prostate dysfunction. We also have the ability to work with you status post bladder slings, bladder stim, radiation, and prostatectomy, if appropriate with your physician. Also remember, The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends a pelvic floor assessment 6 weeks after giving birth.
Orthotics Casting
At North Pole physical therapy you can be evaluated for your need for orthotics. The orthotics are custom built to your foot structure and can aid in decreasing your lower extremity pain!